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学术报告:Metal 3D printing commercialization
发布时间:2019-04-12        作者:左文杰        编辑:       浏览:

报告题目Metal 3D printing commercialization

  告  人:Changwoo Lee. Head/Principle Researcher, Department of 3D printing, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Daejeon, Rep. of Korea

报告时间:2019418日(周四) 10:00




PhD in Dep. of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea (1997)

MS in Dep. of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea (1992)

BSc in Precision Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea (1990)


2008 ~ present: Principal Research in Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM)

2015 ~ 2018: Director of Metal 3D Printing Convergence Research Team


People know that 3D printing technology is cheaper and faster than traditional manufacturing methods. But is it really so? I don’t think so. 3D printing is competitive in certain areas such as prototyping, but it is less competitive in many areas. Why do these misunderstandings happen? These misunderstandings are due to the engineers’ desire to emphasize the importance of their research areas and the reporters' desire to appeal to the public. This misunderstanding has fantasy in many people and this fantasy caused disappointment. The 3D printing commercialization strategy is to turn this disappointment into hope. The strategy is to make 3D printing process cheaper and faster than traditional manufacturing methods. It is impossible to do so in all areas. There are three commercialization strategies. The first strategy is to develop a printing method that is 10 times faster and cheaper than the current printing method. This is the original technology of printing, and it takes a lot of time and money. The second strategy is the passive way to find areas in which 3D printing is competitive, for example, prototyping. It is a way to try commercialization through 3D printing, but there are not many successful cases other than prototype production currently. There are many new attempts in the medical field and many successful cases are expected to emerge. The third strategy is to change the design of the product to allow 3D printing to be competitive in the manufacturing field. This is called DfAM(Design for Additive Manufacturing). DfAM is a design that maximizes the performance of the product by taking into consideration the 3D printing process. DfAM is the most realistic and powerful way to commercialize 3D printing in a current context.

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